Can you source me a shallow diamond, so I can have a cheaper/lighter stone that still looks big on my hand?Updated 6 months ago
When we are trying to maximise the 'spread' of a diamond - that is, how large it appears on the hand - we can certainly look to prioritise stone size or dimensions of a particular diamond.
Diamond carat is specifically a measurement of weight, so every diamond will still be completely unique in terms of its dimensions. Diamonds of the same shape or size range can be longer/shorter, narrower/wider or even deeper/shallower. Two diamonds with the same carat weight may appear completely different to the eye because of their dimensions - and vice versa; two diamonds that have different carat weights that can appear very similar.
If your priority is maximising the spread of your stone, it is absolutely a preference that you can keep in mind when considering diamond options, and we would certainly recommend paying close attention to the diamond's dimensions.
However, the depth of any diamond plays an absolutely essential part in determining the quality of the diamond's cut. Cut is essentially the characteristics of the diamond that contribute to how beautiful the stone is visually - how it refracts and reflects light, how it sparkles, whether there are any dull or dark spots, or light leakage.
There are quite narrow proportions for a diamond's depth that can contribute to a stone being beautiful to look at, and compromising on this can result in a dull or less beautiful stone.
While shallow-cut diamonds may seem large based on their table size, the escape of light at the bottom significantly reduces the diamond’s brilliance, sparkle and fire.
This is a balance that we carefully consider when sourcing our diamonds. While we are certainly aware that some diamonds will offer more spread (and therefore good value for their carat weight) we will not compromise on our standards for the visual beauty of your diamond overall.