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Is it better for the ring to be too big or too small?Updated 6 months ago

There is no real difference for our expert jewellers when it comes to resizing a ring up or down. We can generally resize a ring up or down by 2-3 full sizes, depending on the ring design. 
To increase your ring by ½ to a full size, it may be able to be stretched, without needing to cut into the band.

Aside from this, it may be slightly easier for a ring to be sized down (as no metal needs to be added).

When it comes to your proposal, it’s generally better to err on the side of being slightly too large if you’re unsure, as you know that you will be able to propose and wear the ring (even if it’s not the perfect fit).

It is slightly more expensive (if a resize fee is required) to resize a ring up, as the cost factors in the addition of more metal.

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